Michelle Camm


You will be shocked to discover this. The expense of spectacular grammar and paragraphs for the memoir reached £1,800!! It wasn’t that the manuscript was poor, it was because I kept adding more detail. This made the memoir a much richer experience. The chapters flourished whilst the project was on hold. This was because I …

The cost of a word perfect dream!! Read More »

You will be shocked to read this information, but I couldn’t type for toffee when I started the manuscript. The first two manuscripts were quite literally ‘penned’! Back in March 2021, I was no good on a keyboard! I worked day and night writing by hand.

The manuscript was born on the day of my golden news! (the ‘no cancer showing’ news) It was the best day of my life, a day like no other! There was a terrible darkness to this day though. A beautiful friendship I had discovered at hospital was in jeopardy. The culprit for this: cancer.

https://t.co/9Z8LtjJfXFclick the link to see how wonderful it was to hand books to nurses and staff who saved my life.

It’s official! I can now say thank you to the Royal Derby Hospital for the press release of my memoir. Today is a very proud day. I have been waiting patiently to share this brilliant news. Not only did they help save my life but they have been on board to promote the memoir. I …

Thank you to Royal Derby Hospital Read More »

Wow, I have my lioness head on today! It is 2pm and I’ve updated my CV, registered myself on a site called “Speakernet”, emailed TV and magazines and phoned Nottingham and Derbyshire WI to register as a public speaker in their monthly newsletter. Having to work hard at PR but i love it. This author …

A Very Pro-active Day Read More »

This week I’ve experienced great sales. 15 books have sold in 5 days. I am really proud of this and thank each and every reader who is supporting my dream. I have a long way to go yet! Today the total number of books that have flown the nest sits at 208 memoirs. Whoo-hoo!!!

What a brilliant feeling, 199 books sold. The book is now so close to raising £600 for charity. What a buzz this gives me. This project took a year and three days of my life to bring my memoir into this world. True dedication, tears and sleepless nights now helps others and offers readers a …

199 books sold! Wow!! Read More »

Have a fabulous weekend. The sun is out! What a glorious day.

What a great day. Yesterday i bought the Derbyshire Telegraph newspaper that had an article about my book (full page spread) WOW!!! Today i get a call from from The Greatest Hits Derbyshire radio station. To top the day off- i’m on the Nottingham Library website about a health and well being talk i’m presenting …

It’s All Happening! Read More »