Michelle Camm

Month: August 2022

On Sunday i stood the vintage car meeting in ilkeston. It was a great day, very hot though. I sold 11 books which was a great result. A lot of folk came to say Hello and i gained some lovely feedback from people who have already read the book. Thank you one and all.xx

I’m so pleased. Today the book sales sit at 241. I am almost half way there as I had 500 books printed! I really enjoy promoting the books at event days. On Saturday i did a promotion at Morrison’s and got strung by a wasp! It flew in my t-shirt armhole and strung my boob!! …

The tally is growing Read More »

You will be shocked to discover this. The expense of spectacular grammar and paragraphs for the memoir reached £1,800!! It wasn’t that the manuscript was poor, it was because I kept adding more detail. This made the memoir a much richer experience. The chapters flourished whilst the project was on hold. This was because I …

The cost of a word perfect dream!! Read More »

You will be shocked to read this information, but I couldn’t type for toffee when I started the manuscript. The first two manuscripts were quite literally ‘penned’! Back in March 2021, I was no good on a keyboard! I worked day and night writing by hand.

The manuscript was born on the day of my golden news! (the ‘no cancer showing’ news) It was the best day of my life, a day like no other! There was a terrible darkness to this day though. A beautiful friendship I had discovered at hospital was in jeopardy. The culprit for this: cancer.

https://t.co/9Z8LtjJfXFclick the link to see how wonderful it was to hand books to nurses and staff who saved my life.

It’s official! I can now say thank you to the Royal Derby Hospital for the press release of my memoir. Today is a very proud day. I have been waiting patiently to share this brilliant news. Not only did they help save my life but they have been on board to promote the memoir. I …

Thank you to Royal Derby Hospital Read More »